
Our Cookie Policy

We use cookies and other similar technologies to grant you a smoother navigation experience on our site and to improve your future visits.

This document provides exhaustive information on cookies and similar technologies.

What are cookies

Cookies are small files websites send to a user computer or device (they are usually sent to a browser), which are stored to be then resent to the website when it is visited again by the same user.

No cookie can collect data from your hard-drive, carry viruses or copy your e-mail address.

Each cookie is browser specific. Some of the cookie-functions may be performed by other technologies. “Cookie” is used in this document to indicate both cookies and other similar technologies.

Cookie types

Cookies can be divided in various categories based on their characteristics and function:

Technical cookies

Technical cookies are all the cookies used solely to “perform a communication on an electronic communication net, or only to provide a service to users and subscribers who consent to this following their requests” (cf. section 122, par. 1, Civil Code).

They are not used for anything else and are usually installed directly by the owner or the master of the website. They can be divided in:

  • navigation or session cookies, essential to make websites work properly;
  • analytic cookies, similar to technical cookies when directly used by site owner to collect data on general number of visits and on user interactions, to make the website work better; (see Google Analytics cookies).
  • feature cookies, which allow the user to browse any website based on selected criteria (i.e. language) to provide a better experience. These cookies are installed without the user’s prior consent.

User profiling cookies

Profiling cookies are used to create a “user profile” and are used to tailor marketing messages based on user navigation preferences. (They anonymously identify users’ interests to provide a better navigation experience).

You have to give your consent to the usage of profiling cookies. Pursuant to current regulations, the user can authorize or deny authorization to the installation of these cookies following the instructions in the “Cookie management” section.

The website cannot control third party cookie (social media cookie) files. It can not install nor remove them. The user can manage his/her cookie preferences by modifying the browser’s options (see instructions below), or the resources in the “Cookie management” section.

We kindly invite you to verify the third party specific procedures (see the list below).

Here is a complete list of all the technical cookies which are currently used on our website:

System cookies

We use these cookies to optimize our users’ navigation. You can disable them but you could experience problems with navigating and displaying the site:

Google Analytics

Google Analytics uses “cookies” to collect and anonymously analyze user experience data (IP address included). Data resulting from your experience are usually sent to and stored in Google USA servers. We use this technology solely to improve our contents and users’ experience.

Please remember that Google operates following the “US-Safe-Harbor” data protection agreement in the American Department of Trade’s “Safe Harbor” program. Google will then use the collected data solely to evaluate user’s experience on our website, to give us reports on website activities and to grant us website and Internet specific services. Google will share these data only for data processing purposes and if asked to comply with the law. Google will never link your data to any other data collected by its systems.

Navigating our website you consent to this use of your data.

You can always disable Google Analytics monitoring activities by installing the Google opt-put plugin on your browser. For more information visit

Google Adwords Re-marketing

Google Adwords re-marketing uses cookies to analyze our target audience and improve advertisement, through re-marketing procedures, to show the user interesting and specific messages.

Re-marketing is aimed at users who already visited our website. Users who navigated on our website will see ads on other Google Display Web websites and users who used Google search to find services similar to what we offer.

For more information on re-marketing and on disabling it please visit: and


Facebook uses cookies to give users sharing and “liking” functions. For more information, please visit:


Twitter uses cookies to give users a sharing function.

For more information please visit:


Google+ uses cookies to give users a sharing function.

For more information please visit:

Cookie expiration

Cookies have varying expiration dates, based on the expiration date set at installation.

Generally, you can find:

– session or temporary cookies: file used to store temporary data, to link actions taken in a specific session. They are removed once you quit/close down your browser.

– persistent cookies: used to store data such as name and password, to prevent the user from having to type them every time they come to the website. They are not deleted when you quit/close down your browser.

Cookie management

Following what is stated in Civil Code (Decree-Law June 30th, 2003, n. 196, which will be hereafter called “Code”) and, specifically, section 13, par. 3 and section 122, par. 1 and with reference to what’s stated on the cookie use consent Decree-Law, May, 8th 2014 (Gazzetta Ufficiale n. 126 issued on June, 3rd 2014), you can, at any time, modify your consent.

Being users of our website you can, at any time, exercise the rights stated in Decree-Law 196/2003 section 7 at any time and, specifically, be given a written list of collected data; update them; be shown their origin, management and purpose; ask that they be modified, deleted, turned to anonymous data; prevent law-infringement uses, and oppose their use.

To exercise your rights, contact us:

ROST S.r.l.
Centro Abitato Maestà, 36 – 62010 | URBISAGLIA (MC)
+39 380 3230009

If you have given your consent, but wish to modify the cookie management, you will have to delete installed cookies using your browser-specific tools.

We want to remind you that we do not have any control over third party cookies. If you have consented to their installation, you will have to use your browser-specific tools to delete them, address an opting-out request to such third parties or refer to

How to manually delete cookies working on your browser configuration

If you are using Google Chrome

  1. Open Chrome Browser
  2. Click on the menu on the browser toolbar near the url field
  3. Select Settings
  4. Click on Advanced Settings
  5. In the “Privacy” panel click on “Content settings”
  6. In the “Cookie” section you can modify the following settings:
  • Allow local data storage
  • Modify local data only after quitting the browser
  • Block websites cookies
  • Block third-party cookies and data
  • Manage cookie exception for specific sites
  • Delete one or more cookies

For more information please visit

If you are using Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox
  2. Click on the menu on the browser toolbar near the url field
  3. Select Options
  4. Select Privacy Panel
  5. Click on Show Advanced Settings
  6. In the “Privacy” section click on “Content Settings”
  7. In the “Tracking” section you are able to modify the following settings:
  • Tell sites you do not want to be tracked
  • Tell sites you want to be tracked
  • Do not show preferences for personal data tracking
  1. In the “History” section you can:
  • Accept third party cookies (always, only from the most visited websites or never) and store them for a given period (until expiration date, when Firefox quits) or choose every time enabling the “Use custom settings for history” setting.
  • Delete single cookies.

For more information visit:

If you are using Internet Explorer

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click on Tools and then on Internet Option
  3. Click on Privacy tab and, in the Setting section, slide and choose what you want the browser to do with cookies:
  • Block cookies
  • Allow all cookies
  • Choose which cookies to allow: slide cursor in an intermediate position neither to block nor to allow all the cookies, then click on Sites and type the website url of the website you want to block or allow

For more information visit:

If you are using Safari 6

  1. Open Safari
  2. Click on Safari, choose Preferences and click on Privacy
  3. In Block Cookies section specify how Safari manages and accepts cookies
  4. Click on Details to see which websites store cookies

For more information visit

If you are using Safari iOS (mobile devices)

  1. Open Safari iOS
  2. Choose Settings and Safari 3. Choose Block Cookie and then click on: “Never”, “Third party” or “Always”
  3. Choose Settings, Safari and then Delete Cookies and data to delete all the cookies stored by Safari

For more information visit

If you are using Opera

  1. Open Opera
  2. Click on Preferences, Advanced and then Cookie
  3. Choose one of the following options:
  • Accept all cookies
  • Accept cookies only from visited website: third party cookies and cookies sent by other websites are automatically refused
  • Never accept cookies: no cookie will be saved. For more information visit:
